Sunday, February 8, 2015

President Obama, Christians and ISIS: Wake Up, America

Fox News

    At a national prayer breakfast president Barak Obama called the terrorist group ISIS a "death cult" and compared Christians to the ISIS group. President Obama stated “unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place -- remember that during the crusades and inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ … So, it is not unique to one group or one religion; there is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith". This vicious group of people are beheading, burning men alive, even targeting little children. Many Americans, Christians to be exact are fuming about how the President even had the audacity to compare the two groups in the same sentence, especially addressing the nation. He had compared from many many years ago, the Christian crusaders back then to the terrorist group very apparent in society today. 
    In just one month the radical islamic group killed over a thousand people. The writer of this article had pointed out that combining the number of kills made in the name of religion by Christianity, Judaism and Scientology groups have killed a total of zero people. This is quite the confusing thing to be coming from the president considering the claims his own religion to be Christian. 
    At a conference with the worlds most peaceful and prominent religious leaders and politicians President Obama vocalized his unjust opinion on ISIS and comparing that horrendous group to what happened a very long time ago in history with the Christian Crusaders. In reality, the Christian Crusades should not even be called "christian" because the majority of the people fighting in it were not of the Christian faith. This name has been surreally misused and it is mind blowing that the president of our own country would so unjustly compare these two events and the people of the Christian faith to the ISIS terror group. It is unfair to hold an event against Christians today that happened over a thousand years ago, especially by our own president. 

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