Sunday, February 1, 2015

Malaysia Airlines website hacked by 'Cyber Caliphate'

The Malaysia airline website was recently hacked by the Islamic terrorist group, ISIS. Who ever logged on the the Malaysian airline website on Monday morning found an image of a Lizard with a top hat and the message reading "404 not found" and "Hacked by Lizard Squad -- Official Cyber Caliphate." It also said in another tab "ISIS will prevail". The hacker then set it up so that who ever visited the website would be brought to the hackers webpage. Malaysian authorities have been notified about the hack and within 22 hours the regular airline page was back up and running as it was supposed to be. The airline did however deny the fact that the ISIS hackers got to any of the customers personal information that they had on their data bases. The internal serves were not touched, intact it was the Domain Name System (DSN) that had been act, which is initially what was redirecting users to the other website. 


Technically the website itself was not hacked rather than the users have been redirected to a new website. The Airline claims that this "temporary glitch" will no longer effect the bookings on the website and and that the users data remains secure. The quote "ISIS will prevail" was only seen for a short period of time by early on viewers. 

This recent hack makes me question who was behind the disappearance of the first Malaysian fight and why they are so interested in this airline. It can also be questioned if the Airline had a strong enough cyber security company protecting their website. Cyber hacks have recently been a very huge problem for several big companies including in the US. All around the world companies are getting their computers and main servers hacked, some stealing unthinkable amounts of money and taking secret information that could result in the downfall of that company. 

In the past year there has been several attacks on the Malaysian airline company with many threats. This hack has just been the most recent one. 

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