Tuesday, April 7, 2015

An Afghan nightmare: Forced to marry your rapist


     Afghan women Gulnaz was barley 16 when she was raped by her cousins husband, Asadullah. Because her attacker was married, Gulnaz was then jailed for adultery. She became pregnant in jail with her rapists baby. Gulnaz was then issued a pardon and released from jail. Upon her release instead of a new beginning she had to marry her attacker. Her brothers would no longer accept her back into the family after what had happened so for a life of comfort she had to marry the man who raped, ending up with a child and many more to come.
     Through out the entire interview she remained shy and would not look her husband in the eye. Gulnaz says that they are traditional people and "would rather die than have a bad name." The two later went on to have six more children.
      As an American we can all ask ourselves, "how could this be?" It is hard to understand that there are societies that where if a women gets raped by a married man, she will be jailed for adultery. Gulnaz attorney said that she had a lot of pressure on her from the government to marry her rapist and carry on with her life. She was told that her and her daughter would not be safe without them. She is now trapped in a home with the man who raped her.
     It is unbelievable to see how other countries handle situations like this. Sometimes in America rape victims aren't treated as they should be but to see a situation like this is outrageous. This woman did nothing wrong. She was raped and then jailed for it. Once she got her freedom she was still trapped. She must die with this man being his second wife.

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