Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Plessy V Feurguson

     Today in class our moot court case was based of of the Plessy V. Feurgouson court case in 1892. The argument for Plessy was argued by Team Reagan and the argument against was proposed by Team Red White and Better than you. Homer Plessy was one eighth black, however he was so fair skinned that you could barley tell. He then went to buy a train ticket for the white train car. He was then caught by an undercover cop on the car and arrested for being a black man on  white rain car.
     Team Reagan argued that Plessy was set up. Nothing that Plessy did was illegal. He was peacefully and legally sold a train ticket. They argued that if the Rail Road company was compliant with the law they never would have sold him the train ticket. Another argument this team had was that the train cars were no "separate but equal". The conditions of the black train cars were far worse than the conditions of the white train cars.
     Team Red White and Better than You argued that each state is allowed to make rules to separate blacks and whites. Their biggest argument was that they keep blacks and whites separate because it would be dangerous to have them together. They made this a public safety issue. If blacks and whites were together there would be a bigger chance of violence. Their final argument was that the 14th Amendment does not extend to social issues. The status of the rail cars is not covered in the separate but equal clause. There is nothing stating that the conditions must be fair, just that the opportunities must be equal. Blacks and whites both had railcars, regardless of what they looked like.
     In my opinion Team Read White and Better than You did the better job at their argument because they presented stronger legal facts over just the moral argument.

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